How to use this section
DENTISTSWhen I Qualified in 1982 there were textbooks, and slides. I did Dentistry thinking when I qualified I'd never need to open another book.
I have repeatedly asked HEE for lessons on IT, as we are in the communication business, as well as health. We need to promote the health message, and handing out a pamphlet is no longer enough, and more expensive. Everything on IT is self learnt, and more recently through YouTube for free. Why not dentistry? |
TRAINERSMy aim is to support FDs and recently qualified dentists.
Generally I found the first six months very time consuming, and then a gradual decline in tutorial subjects. It would be useful for the FDs to discuss with their trainers on specific video instructions generally available on YouTube. To critically appraise them, and use the best as a continued resource. If a better one is found, then it will be replaced. If a group of FDS from different dental schools have a project to view videos, and then forward the details of what alongside the trainers they consider the best. I can put is on the site as a video for all of us. |
We're Here for You 24/7Edit this text and tell your site visitors who you are. To edit, simply click directly on the text and add your own words. Use this text to go into more detail about your company. Make sure to include information about how your company came to be.
Make sure to include information about how your company came to be. A strong “About” page helps establish credibility and professionalism and lets the visitor know more about you. |