Details on how to use the App are on the website teeth4life.org.uk There are further details on how to implement prevention in your daily routine, as well as mainly video advice and opinions on how we can collaborate, and improve the health and wellbeing of all of us |
Registration site
To register on the current teeth4life App go to Care4teeth.co.uk The App is availale as a free download for you to customise. There is a monthly charge to help support and maintain the service to dentists who can promote their services further. We are also builing a practice temoate with further adaptability and controls for the user. Please contact directly if this is of interest to you. |
YouTube Channel
This is the current teeth4life YouTube Channel playlist. All are available as a download to email your pattient to reinforce your OHI. There are also videos you may find useful on how we can market ourselves, and health. There is a video on how to manipulate the videos. Please forward any comments, suggestings that you may have to improve the content. |