I've added the more recent videos that are currently on the teeth4life App. I have included a copy of the text, as you can always add your voice to the video, as it must be more lively than mine, and you may be able to improve them. I made a brief video on how to manipulate them in iMovie and this is the link that can be found on the teeth4life YouTube Channel, customise App playlist.
As you progress down through the videos, there are my initial animations that you and your patients may find more useful.
As you progress down through the videos, there are my initial animations that you and your patients may find more useful.
child behaviour video
Here's some tips on how you can help improve your child's health through regular tooth brushing.
When cleaning the teeth, we want to encourage them into good habits, which is what this video is all about. You want to avoid this kind of behaviour, you can’t get good outcome under these circumstances. While our children are in this kind of state, it’s challenging to engage with them? What's going on in their head? A Relatively simple explanation is explained in this book about human behaviour. I wish I had read the book when I had young children, because it explains how we can engage with our family better. And that includes adults, and not let our chimp takeover, when we are tired as well. There are lots of basic things in life we don't get lessons on and now we have a multitude of different types of resources that can support all our well being even a phone with videos in our bathroom. This is an explanation of how we can develop and maintain good habits. It has to be simple, and this clearly applies to our oral health, which is related to our general health. You can use it for any habit you want to develop. Whether you want to get fitter and lose weight or read more etc. You need a cue, a goal and a routine. A reward helps, especially with children. So make cleaning a fun activity before they go to bed. Try different strategies or combine with other routines that work for them and work for you. All evidence shows rewarding good behaviour works well. Punishing poor behaviour never helps. It helps if we occasionally monitor if they clean their teeth correctly by disclosing their teeth. It’s Important to ensure that they clean their teeth last thing at night before going to bed. The toothpaste will help strengthen their teeth overnight. Agree on your child's reward such as time spent with you reading a bedtime story. Enjoy it while you can because they will grow up soon and learning how to control your chimp has many benefits, especially as they move through their teenage years. Their chimp may well be stronger |
child diet
Here are some tips regarding your child’s diet.
We want our children to have healthy eating habits. Ensure that the products that your child eats generally have less than five ingredients on the label, because the UPFS, Ultra-processed food in fast food have manufactured chemicals in them that affects our hormones to makes you want to eat more. And buy more. Try and keep them to a minimum. Similarly, fizzy drinks apart from Having similar chemical additives and are very acidic, causing the teeth to dissolve as well as Decay. Dental erosion is a recent phenomenon and extremely difficult and expensive to treat. This older video animation has further advice. On special occasions or other events, we all like a tree to reward and often it's in the form of sweets, chocolates or cakes. We're all aware of the high sugar contents of these products, which can progress to tooth decay. The decay process is due to the plaque on the teeth converting the sugar in the food to acid, and this is the disease process that damages your teeth. However, your saliva can neutralize the the acid in 30 minutes and your teeth will recover, but if you have a constant supply of sugar, then the Decay process is maintained for longer, as does the regular Fizzy drinks and sugar laden snacks. To avoid Decay, limit the frequency of the acid attack on your teeth and occasionally, when you have time, look at the labelling of the products you and your child consumes. Sugars also cause obesity with all the potential long-term health consequences. Our dental message is to enjoy your food in moderation and at timely intervals with regular meals and avoid the habit of snacking throughout the day. |
child disclosing monitoring
This video is to help you encourage your children with their toothbrushing. How do you know if they've done a good job?
The best way is still the old way which is disclosing the dental plaque. Many of you will have used disclosing tablets when you're at school. Chew the tablet for a minute, rub the tongue around the inside and all the teeth, then rinse with water as demonstrated here. As a child can do so, can you? Use your phone to set reminders. The video showing you how is on the home page of the dental app. Set timely reminders within the app to monitor your child's toothbrushing. Use the phone to take a photo and monitor performance, and ensure all plaque is removed. Make it fun, and reward good performance. Check regularly, and help set up a regular routine for your child to develop this healthy habit for life. And do it yourself. Using these cheap tablets regularly ensures the teeth and gums are disease free, which is a better use of your resources than the most expensive power brush used incorrectly or ineffective mouthwashes. |
further resources BSPD
This is to direct you to some other trustworthy resources you may find helpful when looking after your children's teeth.
Just as children prefer different Disney characters on the side of the toothbrush, they may also prefer different videos on your phone. There are some excellent ones available, such as this series. This website is specifically for children and has some excellent advice for parents. We are using dental apps a lot more and it’s more convenient in the bathroom and occasionally children are more likely to listen to an animated character than their parents. However, he may want to supervise your children with your expensive smartphone. There's a few examples of apps you can find. Some have scoring systems to encourage and educate your child. Many parents have had great success with them. Just vary them after a while. You don't always need the most expensive toothbrush to use these apps. Regularly disclosing your children's teeth is a better use of your resources. And most apps encourage our Two Minute Rule |
child toothbrushing
Whatever your age this is the routine that we advise. At this age use a soft brush with a smear of children's fluoride toothpaste as this helps the developing adult teeth be stronger.
As they get older you should use a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste pressed into the firmer toothbrush bristles. It's the brush that does 95% of the work not the toothpaste, and make sure you complete cleaning their teeth for as long as possible as they often forget the back ones. This is the order of the teeth as they arrive. Around the age of six eight front teeth fall out and new ones appear at the back, It's essential that these adult teeth are properly cleaned. Give children a brush that they find easy to use or prefer. As they become more independent check regularly that they've done a thorough job. There are a multitude of dental apps to encourage them to clean the teeth for two minutes, and some for you to help with their diet. More comprehensive detail is on this website for all the family. ( I CHANGED IT SLIGHTLY) Make use of the self-monitoring advice in the teeth4Life app which has further video resources such as how and why we clean teeth and gums. Plus some dietary advice on how to develop healthy habits, monitoring your health by disclosing your teeth and checking your gums. |
Research by Samantha Watt on asking children, what they disliked about The Dentist was having their teeth numbed and even worse having them drilled. I really used the drill, instead, I'd clean my nail, and then tickle their teeth. Then I apply a pink plaster on the child's tooth after I put some of the filling material on my nail, and theirs. We can now do something far better. I used to use a diagnodent that made a noise when there was decay present. This scan is used by many dentists for clear braces. Also have the ability to indicate to decay. Instead of tickling their teeth, we can now use a product that you paint over the tooth, and if there is decay present, that area goes black. But more importantly, it stops decaying. You won't need an anaesthetic or use the drill, or even worse general anaesthetic to get your child out of dental pain that was and always is preventable. Children are not teenagers, the odd black tooth doesn't really bother them, nor should it bother you. As a teenager, that's when they worry and knowing that their teeth went black, they make them brush a little bit harder. As this isn't a filling, there is no fee on our NHS. Also, a Hygienist can apply it. You just may need to pay a supplement private fee for the service. Unfortunately, some NHS dentists have been struck off because they have charged supplements for cosmetic lab work, even though there was no financial benefit to The Dentist. REGULAR check ups and explaining the hidden sugar enemy may help prevent diabetes, and with education targeted at their age, the long term rewards are forgetter than a cartoon sticker as part on an integrated preventive healthcare system. . |
This is a video that had a lot of views, you may find it of use.
I will use it so post, as an example of how you can DIY. If there is enough interest I can give some webinars.....I |
diet advice from tony smith on Vimeo. |