The following videos are purely my views and experiences. You don't have to agree with them, but they may form part of a discussion you may have with colleagues. At University, we practised taking OPGs on each other. One came back with horizontally impacted lower 8's. They were mine, and I was advised to have them removed, which was carried out with a surgical hammer and chizel under GA. The swelling went down after 6 weeks, and the bruising on my chest a little later. I took an OPG on my brother many years ago, his 8's were the same. He is now 60+and they are still there. Sometimes, we need to change our protocols. Here are a few of my observations for discussion in your Peer review groups.
Endodontics 1.
This is about 20 minutes and explains the progression from an unpredictable procedure to one that has a higher success rate, but with less cases. Far too many teeth are extracted, that could be retained and have a better long term prognosis that dental implants. |
Endodontics 2
How is the RAF related to endomethazone? Why don't we use silver points and SPAD? Do we use rubber dam to protect us, the patient, or both? Is there an alternative to calcium hydroxide cement, as we know it "disappears" under other restorations. |
Treating Children
One of the main issues with dentistry is the usual one within the health service. We have a traditional hierarchy based on scientific research, and to progress, you need to write papers and teach clinicians. The Hall technique is from a general dentist, the Dahl principle is based on a single clinical case, and ART was discovered after most general dentists have been using the procedure for years. Follow is Rory Sutherland on YouTube or Ted Talks. We need to learn more from human behaviour, and we will have fewer complaints and fewer dental phobics. |
Marketing yourself, and health
I made this a while ago. It's based around the work of Seth Godin's book "this is marketing", and his YouTube videos. I also had a lot of help from a friend who taught people how to sell PPI through banks. or rather miss sell! It talks about the PEGGY or in our case PERIO ladder to market prevention. It has been done elsewhere in the world. Our NHS is great for emergencies, we just need to have fewer of them. |
Background references to marketing health
A twenty minute has some of the reference points I have used on how we can market health. We need to consider the current start up methodology systems as used by AirBnB, Pintrest, Dropbox, Instagram etc rather than the business systems that set up British Steel, British Leyland, and our NHS. We are in the Health business, not the buisness of health. Health should come first. Even though dentistry is sidelined by the treasury of all governments we can improve the health of our nation as Health advocates. When the NHS was set up half the cabinet were ex miners, not Eton. Bevan resigned about 4 years later as dental charges were introduced. Dentisty has not been free at the point of contact for our lifetime, but the profession can provide a free service, if we collaborate. |
This is a video with references to setting up your own study group meetings. There is a lot of discussion regarding mental health that never occured back in the 80's, or rather wasn't discussed. On reflection, I think a major help for my mental health was not having a reliable car or motor bike and used to cycle home up a big hill. By the time I got home, I'd forgotten all the traumas of the day. It also helps being born an Optimist. |
PEER Review meeting Nov 23 Teledentistry, sustainability
This has a multitude of reference following a BDA course in October on sustainability. Climate change, sustainability, and green issues are issues that all businesses have to be aware of, and dentistry is no different. The biggest issue with respect to dentistry is CO2 emissions, and we ought to look at setting up an on line course on teledentistry following on and learning from our experiences during Covid. There is no central funding, but if you know of a course, please get in touch. |