Nothing here is new, disruptive innovation is mentioned here. We can use it for mouth cancer screening. The user needs to take responsibility for their general health, as well as their teeth. It also mentions how we can develop a framework as a bottom up business as shown. It mimics a letter I sent to the GDC asking for the contact details for dentists in our area. The GDC declined due to GDPR. They released the details years later during covid.
This is the most viewed TedTalk and outlines how through education our outlook narrows.
This is an early example of an alternative to provide care through use of experience, and sharing DATA for the common good.
Human behaviour is slow to change. This explains how an observation by an advertising guru improved our oral health.
This is a presentation about integrated healthcare on how we have a common enemy, and how as health advocates it will still be difficult to improve health.
Marion Nestle promotes health advocates in her book the Soda wars.
No one is killed in quickly in this talk, unlike as mentioned in the book. But soda results in premature deaths. Why don't we act? |